Planning thoughts for Quant UX Con 2023

Quant UX Con started in June 2022. It is the first-ever conference devoted to the practice of Quant UX research. Quant UX Con 2023 will occur June 14-15 online, worldwide, in all time zones.

In 2022, we planned the first year to occur in person and expected 200 attendees. But when the number of interested sign-ups passed 1000 we realized a new plan was needed. So we pivoted to an almost-all-online format and ended up with more than 2500 attendees, plus 12 in-person watch parties across the US and Europe.

You might wonder, how engaged were the attendees? Did it match the energy of an in-person conference? Being UX researchers, we have some data on that. The average logged-in time online was 7.5 hours (a full day, on average for each attendee!) Top-2 box satisfaction was 79%, on par with typical commercial products. The number of submissions for 2023 has gone up, now at 2.5x of the number for 2023. And during sessions in 2022, attendee chat routinely exceeded the max chat messages that our platform could handle!

What about the 21% of attendees who were only partially satisfied? It’s not a bad score, but the organizing committee itself was not fully satisfied. Yes, first time events at this scale always have issues, and yes, worldwide CSat scores include some countries where users rarely rate things in the top 2 boxes. But we always want to improve.

The top 2 complaints were (1) wanting to have recordings of the talks, and (2) wanting it to expand to non-US time zones. Guess what? We’re doing exactly that for 2023. Quant UX Con 2023 will use a follow-the-sun model to have sessions live in every time zone worldwide, and we plan for all talks to be recorded for watching later (up to 3 months after the conference).

How much does all this cost? We’re committed to making Quant UX Con affordable for everyone interested. Tickets for full admission — all sessions, all time zones, all recordings — for Quant UX Con 2023 will cost USD $25. And there will be scholarship tickets, on the honor system — no need to ask or prove anything — for everyone who wants one. This is made possible by our generous financial sponsors, Pinterest, Meta, Ipsos, Sawtooth Software, and Sprig!

Interested? Visit the conference site and join the mailing list. You’ll get notification of registration when it is available in April: Quant UX Conference 2023.

We hope to see you there!

Posted on:
March 1, 2023
2 minute read, 415 words
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